I. |
An Ordinance to promote development of autonomous SOS/ Institute/ Centre/UTD as per U.G.C. guidelines. Here after it is referred as UTD. |
II. |
Notwithstanding any thing contained in any other statutes, ordinances, regulation etc. the provisions of this ordinance will be applicable herinafter. |
1. |
The UTD of Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya will be responsible for Instituting, Planning, Monitoring, Assessing and modifying their educational programmes. The Faculty members of the concerned UTD will take all decision. |
2. |
Subject to the approval of Vice-Chancellor, Standing Committee of Academic Council, Executive Council, new programmes and courses will be INSTITUTED with the help of the Faculty members of concerned UTD. The existing programmes may be modified by the UTD. |
3. |
Head of a concerned UTD will ADMIT students into different programmes as per the criteria evolved by the UTD/ University / Government. |
4. |
1. |
(a) |
The Semester will consist of 18 weeks and a Trimester of 12 weeks. One hour of Lecture / Tutorial per week for one semester will constitute ONE credit. In case of Trimester one hour Lecture / Tutorial per week for one Trimester will correspond to 2/3 Credit. |
(b) |
One hour per week of Laboratory work for One Semester will constitute 1/2 credit, whereas in Trimester one hour per week for One Trimester correspond to 1/3 credit. |
2. |
The concerned UTD must workout the Valid Credits for each programme at the rate of 52 Credits per year. |
5. |
A typical programme in a SEMESTER CONSISTS of 12- 15 credits of lecture / tutorial and 12-15 credits of laboratory / project work. A load of about 26 credits shall be completed on an average in one semester. A Full time student is required to obtain NECESSARY NUMBER OF CREDITS IN three years or less for a FOUR semester programme and one and a half year for a two semester course. Core (compulsory) and Elective (Optional) courses may be prescribed by concerned UTD. |
6. |
A student will be eligible for degree on completion of 52 VALID CREDITS per year provided he / she does not have F Grade in any of offered courses. |
7. |
(a) |
The GRADING will be made on a 8 point scale: A+ at 10, A at 9, B+ at 8, B at 7, C+ at 6, C at 5, D at 4 and F at 2 in the FIRST Attempt. In the repeated Second Attempt the 8 point scale will be: A+ at 9, A at 8, B+ at 7, B at 6, C+ at 5, C at 4, D at 3 and F at 2. |
(b) |
During the semester, a teacher will ASSESS each student at THREE points of time. Of these, TWO must be written tests and the third may be written test / Quiz / Seminar for theoretical courses. The mode of assessment of laboratory work will be through day-to-day practical. In each course, there shall be End Semester Exam. Each student has to appear in at least Two Tests and End Semester Exam; otherwise, the student will be awarded F - Grade in that course. |
(c) |
Tests will be essential part of evaluation system. These tests will be conducted regularly. In case a teacher is absent or not available, the Head of UTD will make ALTERNATE ARRANGEMENTS for regular completion of examination work. In general, assessment of courses involves usual marking in the first instance. Marks of each candidate obtained in tests, quizzes, etc. and End Semester Exam for a course be totaled and TRANSFORMED into PERCENTAGES. For computing PERCENTAGE, out of THREE Assessments best TWO will be considered along with the End Semester Exam marks. |
(d) |
For each course, out of 100 marks, 60 marks will be for the End Semester Exam & 20 marks for each assessment. |
(e) |
These TRANSFORMED SCORES will be converted into grade as follows:
Grade Point |
Transformed Score |
Grade |
First Attempt |
Repeated |
>= 90.% |
A+ |
10 |
9 |
>=80.00% but < 90.00% |
A |
9 |
8 |
>=70.00% but < 80.00% |
B+ |
8 |
7 |
>=60.00% but < 70.00% |
B |
7 |
6 |
>=50.00% but < 60.00% |
C+ |
6 |
5 |
>=40.00% but < 50.00% |
C |
5 |
4 |
>=30.00% but < 40.00% |
D |
4 |
3 |
< 30.00% |
F |
2 |
2 |
(f) |
If any student obtains F Grade in any course, she / he is treated to have failed in the course. He / She has to reappear in tests and End Semester Exam of the failed course as and when it is offered or as per Clause 5 of this Ordinance. Only one additional chance will be given. |
(g) |
However, a teacher must design assessment procedures which show REASONABLE DISCRIMINATION in the given set of scores. It implies that a considerable part of the test will be PROBLEM ORIENTED (and not merely essay or reproduction of text). |
8. |
The CUMULATIVE GRADE POINT AVERAGE is defined as CGPA = Sum (ni. xi)/sum (ni). where ni is the number of credits in the ith course and (xi) is indicative of grade (A+ = 10, A= 9, B+ = 8, B= 7, C+ = 6, C = 5, D = 4, F = 2 in the FIRST Attempt while in the REPEATED Attempt A+ = 9, A= 8, B+ = 7, B= 6, C+ = 5, C = 4, D = 3, F = 2), it should include all credits completed by that date, actual credits including Comprehensive Viva – Voce Credits have to be taken into account in the calculation of SGPA / CGPA. |
9. |
For a ONE -YEAR PROGRAMME, the GRADUATING GRADE POINT AVERAGE is determined on the basis of best of 52 Actual Credits PLUS 8 Virtual Credits totaling 60. For a TWO - YEAR PROGRAMME, the GRADUATING GRADE POINT AVERAGE is determined on the basis of best of 104 Actual Credits PLUS 16 Virtual Credits totaling 120. For a THREE YEAR PROGRAMME, the GRADUATING GRADE POINT AVERAGE is determined on the basis of best of 156 Actual Credits PLUS 24 Virtual Credits totaling 180 and so on. |
10. |
The FINAL DEGREE should indicate the Division obtained.
Division |
Ist Division with Distinction |
>= 8.00 |
Ist Division |
>= 6.20 BUT < 8.00 |
2nd Division |
>= 4.75 BUT < 6.20 |
Fail |
Less than 4.75 |
There will be no THIRD DIVISION |
11. |
If SGPA / CGPA of any student falls below 4.00 any time, the student is asked to leave the programme. He may be eligible for re-admission as a fresh student. |
12. |
(a) |
REPETITION of a course is allowed ONLY to those candidates who FAIL in it and their GPA / CGPA does not fall below 4.00 A course can be REPEATED BY TAKING IT WHEN OFFERED, or in next semester by taking the UTD arranged sessional work, major and minor tests, quiz, homework etc. |
(b) |
On account of valid reasons, a student may WITHDRAW FROM a semester/course. The UTD may allow such a student to register in the subsequent semester whenever it is offered by the concerned UTD. |
(c) |
A LABORATORY course has to be repeated, when offered. This will be applicable to 12a, 12b, 12c only. |
13. |
EVALUATION will be internal with feedback system i.e. marked answer books will be shown to the students for perusal and will be collected back for records by the teacher upto the end of that semester. |
14. |
The decision of the teacher regarding the evaluation and the grade shall be final. However, RE-EVALUATION is allowed only if:
• |
The prescribed fee is paid to the university. |
• |
The candidate applies through the Head within 5 days of the declaration of the grade of the course concerned. |
• |
Assessment mode is written for that course/activity. |
• |
A Board reviews the case. |
• |
Revision of the grades is accepted both in the increasing and decreasing directions. |
• |
Revaluation is effective only if the grade changes. |
15. |
The PRACTICALS will be continuously evaluated through out the semester (s) experiment by experiment/activity by activity and will be shown separately for grading purposes. |
16. |
At the end of each Semester, assessment of Project / Practical examination will be conducted by a BOARD of at least TWO examiners. One of these examiners will not be connected with the Practical / Project work. |
17. |
Dissertation will be assessed by ONE EXTERNAL Examiner to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and the Supervising Teacher / the Examiner appointed by the Head of UTD. |
18. |
(a) |
At the end of a semester, a COMPREHENSIVE VIVA-VOCE Examination for theory and practical will be conducted by the Board of 4 members, at least ONE of whom shall be external. The Vice-Chancellor will appoint the external members in consultation with Head/Chairman Evaluation Unit or Concerned UTD. Three will form a quorum. Head/Chairman Evaluation Unit or Concerned UTD will coordinate the comprehensive viva - voce. The grades awarded in the viva-voce shall be shown separately. The board shall also review the Standard of Courses, Teaching, Assignments, Assessment and shall give its opinion in writing to the Head and the Vice-Chancellor. Amount of Rs. 500/- shall be paid to each of the External & Internal examiners by concerned UTD for Comprehensive Viva-Voce examinations. |
(b) |
In case of LARGE NUMBER OF STUDENTS there may be as many Boards as necessary with at least TWO MEMBERS IN EACH board. |
(c) |
FOUR VIRTUAL credits will be allotted to the general viva-voce at the end of each semester. These credits will be taken into account in the calculations of both CGPA and Graduation Grade Point Average (GGPA). |
19. |
The MARK SHEET will be PREPARED in triplicate by the UTD:
(a) |
One will be sent to Registrar and collected at the end of subsequent semester for entries and returned to the Registrar. |
(b) |
Second will be given to the candidate and updated every semester. |
(c) |
Third will be retained by the UTD. |
20. |
In the MARK SHEET the following information should be given:
(a) |
Grades obtained in different courses |
(b) |
Semester Grade Point Average |
(c) |
Cumulative Grade Point Average |
(d) |
Graduating Grade Point Average (after the requirements are completed) |
21. |
All the UTD will manage their own EXAMINATION EXPENDITURE within the available income of 90% of their respective examination fees. |
22. |
In case any dispute arises regarding interpretation of these rules or in giving effect to the provisions of this Ordinance the matter shall be referred to the Vice Chancellor whose decision thereon will be final. |
*23. |
The conversion of G.G.P.A. in to percentage will be as follow to facilitate its application in other matter:
"Percentage marks = 8.1 + 8.4 X GGPA"
The above relation leads to the following table (which should serve as the rational of this relation). |
G.G.P.A. |
Percentage |
4.75 |
48% (II Division) |
6.2 0 |
60.18% (60% - I Division) |
8.0 |
75.3% First Division with Distinction |
*24. |
"Ordinance No. 31 will supercede all other Ordinances in matter, covered by It". |